Drone Videography for Realty

Bring your event to life with aerial and ground footage! Obtain closer proximity and compelling aerial media otherwise unachievable by traditional video/photo rig. Our clients are usually realtors wanting footage to sell their house.

Location, location, location

We helping with every step of the process from location scouting and creative direction, to permit requests and logistics.


We offer editing services, or you would like to edit or have an editor we can give you raw footage. Our edits will include an influential final video, custom to your design. We offer options such as voiceover, music, sound effects and more!

Rates are determined by project details, with hourly and package options available for full and half days. Achieve dynamic perspectives to showcase any locations' full potential with intriguing detail and seamless ground stabilizing cameras.

  • Date: July, 2017
  • Fields: Aerial footage, Realty